What is Web3?

Web3 refers to the third era of the internet, representing a decentralized internet.

It emerged as a way to reform the centralized structure imposed by by a few platform companies that have a monopolize on users’ data in the Web2 era.

In Web3, users can fully own and manage their data.

Users can generate revenue by selling the data they own to others. Additionally, only the user can change or delete their data.

Emergence of Web3

Web 1.0 was the beginning of the internet, where users searched for and read content by websites. This era‘s web is referred to asthe “read-only” web.

In the Web 2.0 era, people started creating content directly on platforms. They shared writing and images on websites and social media. People shared their thoughts through platforms and actively communicated with others. This era’s web is referred to as a “read-write” web.

In Web 2.0, platform companies owned data. Platform companies earned revenue from ads by utilizing user-created data, but users couldn’t profit from their own data. There were additional privacy concerns, such as platform companies selling user information to third parties or using it without authorization. As a result, people found it difficult to trust Web 2.0 platforms.

To reform the structure where profit and power are centralized to a few platforms, the Web3 paradigm came into play.

Web3 realized a decentralized internet by utilizing Blockchain technology. Data stored on the Blockchain is managed by an unspecified number of people, not a specific few companies. Users can preserve data indefinitely by recording the ownership of their data on the Blockchain. This era of Web3 is called the “read-write-own” web.

Web3 and Games

Web3 game services are innovative and distinguish themselves from traditional games.

Ownership of Game Assets

In a Web3 game, players have complete ownership of their game assets and content. A player’s game assets and content are securely stored on the Blockchain. Even if a game ends or the service is updated, players own these assets indefinitely.

Trading Assets and Earning Revenue

Players can earn revenue by selling their in-game assets to other players. Transaction details are clearly recorded on the Blockchain and anyone can check to confirm. In-game economic activities become more active as players trade the items they purchased or the assets they earned by playing the game.

Pebble transparently records and safely preserves the ownership of game assets and transaction information by utilizing Blockchain technology. Through this, Pebble provides players a safe and trustworthy gaming experience.

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