Convert STBL to MasterChip
Last updated
Last updated
To convert STBL to MasterChip, you must have STBL in your Pebble Wallet.
If you have STBL, you can go to the Convert > Token Convert page through the Navigation Bar or check your STBL balance in My Page > Inventory and proceed with the conversion.
Go to My Page > Inventory and click "Convert" on the STBL balance.
Enter the amount of STBL to convert and verify the amount of MasterChip you will receive before proceeding.
The conversion rate improves when converting larger amounts of Starble. For example, converting 10 Starble may yield a 5% bonus, while converting 20 Starble could provide a 25% bonus.
Conversion rates may change based on service conditions, so confirm the expected MasterChip amount before proceeding.
Click the Convert button and enter your transaction password to complete the conversion.
A SUI coin network fee of 0.1 or less is required for conversion. However, Pebble sponsors up to 3 network fees per account!
After completing the conversion, you can check your updated Starble balances in My Page > Inventory.